Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Evaluation Part 3

What kind of institution might distribute your media product and why?
The company which is mostly likely to distribute my magazine would be the IPC publishers which are one of the four that form the oligopoly which is well known; this would be because this company publish a range of genres within magazines, one of them being music magazines. I would want my magazine to be published by the IPC because the business has been around for a long time and have made other magazines successful; therefore it gives my magazine more of a chance to too reach success. As I know that this company are experienced and publish many other magazines, it would reassure me that everything will be done properly as they know what they are doing.  As this company has been known to publish NME, this is the same type of genre as my magazine, and has proved to be a success. Throughout making my magazine, NME has helped me to make certain decisions of what route I will take throughout my magazine, and also because this magazine is too Indie/Rock it has helped me decide what aspects to include and whether they would link to my theme or not. Although this company already publishes NME and it is not the best idea for the same publishers to distribute similar magazines, NME is popular and successful therefore could possibly help my magazines success considering they would have the same well known publishers. As the themes of my magazine and NME are similar, NME tends to focus more on rock which is where the differences come in, as my magazine has a different target audience of both males, females, Indie fans and Rock fans. My magazine also includes certain aspects which other music magazine don’t, such as competitions and deep interviews, which makes my magazine unique and would outsell NME. IPC publishers would only have two music magazines if they were to publish mine as the others consist of home, country life, TV, sport, chat, women etc. This would make my magazine stand out along with NME as they are completely different to any others.The company would like my magazine as it is a hot, brand new magazine which the music magazine industry has needed for a long time. The target audience appeals to a wide range of people therefore would most likely make the magazine successful as a wide range of people would then purchase the magazine. Also, if the IPC published my magazine, they would have a market share of the income considering they would have marketed my magazine and helped to allow people to purchase it. Taking my magazine on would be an advantage to them as they would earn money out of it, also if my magazine became popular it would give their company a better name and possibly become bigger. The IPC would like my magazine as it features a lot of different content, from interviews, to competitions; especially as the competition involves one of the most spoken about festivals of the year and would be one of the most popular attraction to the reader.

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