Tuesday, 31 January 2012
Diary Entry Fourteen
Throughout this week i have been making changes to the drafts of my magazine. I have mainly focused on my contents page because this page needs much more work done to it rather than any of the others. Also this week i have completed the third part of my evaluation. This has allowed me to research into which publishers would publish my magazine, and why. Also what elements would appeal to them so that they know my magazine is unique and will be a success.
Wednesday, 25 January 2012
Evaluation Part 3
What kind of institution might distribute your media product and why?
The company which is mostly likely to distribute my magazine would be the IPC publishers which are one of the four that form the oligopoly which is well known; this would be because this company publish a range of genres within magazines, one of them being music magazines. I would want my magazine to be published by the IPC because the business has been around for a long time and have made other magazines successful; therefore it gives my magazine more of a chance to too reach success. As I know that this company are experienced and publish many other magazines, it would reassure me that everything will be done properly as they know what they are doing. As this company has been known to publish NME, this is the same type of genre as my magazine, and has proved to be a success. Throughout making my magazine, NME has helped me to make certain decisions of what route I will take throughout my magazine, and also because this magazine is too Indie/Rock it has helped me decide what aspects to include and whether they would link to my theme or not. Although this company already publishes NME and it is not the best idea for the same publishers to distribute similar magazines, NME is popular and successful therefore could possibly help my magazines success considering they would have the same well known publishers. As the themes of my magazine and NME are similar, NME tends to focus more on rock which is where the differences come in, as my magazine has a different target audience of both males, females, Indie fans and Rock fans. My magazine also includes certain aspects which other music magazine don’t, such as competitions and deep interviews, which makes my magazine unique and would outsell NME. IPC publishers would only have two music magazines if they were to publish mine as the others consist of home, country life, TV, sport, chat, women etc. This would make my magazine stand out along with NME as they are completely different to any others.The company would like my magazine as it is a hot, brand new magazine which the music magazine industry has needed for a long time. The target audience appeals to a wide range of people therefore would most likely make the magazine successful as a wide range of people would then purchase the magazine. Also, if the IPC published my magazine, they would have a market share of the income considering they would have marketed my magazine and helped to allow people to purchase it. Taking my magazine on would be an advantage to them as they would earn money out of it, also if my magazine became popular it would give their company a better name and possibly become bigger. The IPC would like my magazine as it features a lot of different content, from interviews, to competitions; especially as the competition involves one of the most spoken about festivals of the year and would be one of the most popular attraction to the reader.
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Wednesday, 18 January 2012
Evaluation Part 2
How does your media product represent particular social groups?
The particular social group represented in my magazine would be young adults which are into the rocky/indie side of music. This is represented through the music artists featured in my magazine and also the type of fashion and ongoing events such as Reading. On my front cover page, the medium shot of my music artist is represented as loud, outgoing and fashionable considering her arms are outstretched, with a confident facial expression showing her personality and clothing which is said to be ‘trendy’ at this current time. This links to the type of music because it is currently in the charts and popular similarly to this kind of clothing trend shown through the mise-en-scene. As this image reinforces that this artist is confident and fun, it foreshadows the fact that as the audience could relate to this, they should be outgoing too and be who they are and not hide behind anyone else. It proves that everyone should be accepted for who they are. This image looks approachable to the reader because she is not giving off any negativity or insulting anyone, she is being herself which is what the reader wants to learn about through the article. My contents page image represents the exact same as the front cover considering the main image is of the same artist and she wears the same clothing. As her hands are slightly over her face it is reinforcing to the reader that everyone is entitled to their privacy and secrets, also even though she is in the public eye she too likes to have her space and likes to be alone. This could also hint to the reader that they will find out some personal points about her in the article, and even though she is confident and outgoing, she can be shy about certain aspects. This enables the reader to relate, and informs them that she is still a normal girl, yet she has just followed her dream. As her facial expression is similar to someone in shock, it represents that she has a silly side to her, just like everyone, where they can totally be themselves around family/friends; the people that know them best. I purposely wanted my model to use this type of expression and body language, as it can have so many hidden messages and can let the reader relate to the character in so many ways. The main image on my double page spread is a natural photo of my music artist, therefore is doesn’t look like she has posed for the photograph. This allows the reader to see the quiet side of the artist, which again everyone has. As the background of the main image is simple, it makes the reader focus on the artist and as she is casually leaning against a garage whilst smoking a cigarette (in her right hand) it emphasises her normality, and everyday life. Also, as young adults are sometimes associated with smoking, drinking, socialising, the fact that she is holding a cigarette the reader can relate, and this almost forms another social group. The other images displayed on this page reflect the article, showing her confidence and her real self, as a fashion icon, role model, normal girl from Kent, etc. Also, these images reinforce the rock/indie theme as she seems to have a loud persona about her considering her body language is always busy. I have chosen to have most of my images looking fun and busy because I think it tells the reader something about the artist which then also comes across in the article. Also, as one image is slightly more relaxed than the others, it makes it stand out and links to everyone having time for themselves, and chilling out/rest which everyone needs.
Tuesday, 17 January 2012
Diary Entry Thirteen
This week i have completed the first part to my evaluation where i have spoken about my reasons for using particular elements on my magazine pages. Also, i have gained comments on each of my pages, both positive and negative, for me to then analyse them. Through me analysing my comments i have realise what has and hasn't worked so well within my pages. Some aspects which haven't worked well will be changed when creating my final, and other elements which i should include will be added to my pages.
This post shows a print screen of comments made from my fellow students on my magazine page. Also next to it i have written a paragraph about what i will change and my thoughts on the comments made.
This post shows a print screen of comments made from my fellow students on my magazine page. Also underneath it i have written a paragraph about what i will change and my thoughts on the comments made.
The comments recieved on this page are both positive and negative too. It ensures me that the colour scheme works well considering it is consistent and has continuity because it is the same to the front cover, therefore they link together. When creating my final contents page i will try to include apps such as, twitter, facebook, etc. This would be another way to advertise the magazine and encourage people to purchase it if they see it every so often. I will be keeping the type of font i have used as the feedback i recieved mentioned that it was clear and easy to read. Also, i could include another image when making my final. This would make the page look slightly more busy and refer to what is featured in the rest of the magazine.
Wednesday, 11 January 2012
This post shows a print screen of comments made from my fellow students on my magazine page. Also next to it i have written a paragraph about what i will change and my thoughts on the comments made.
Evaluation Part 1
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
During this essay I will be analysing the three parts to my magazine, such as, front cover, contents page and double page spread. Throughout my analysis I will be explaining my reasons for using particular aspects and why I think they work well, or in some cases not so well.
Within my front cover, I used the same colour scheme for continuity, along with the other pages, therefore the reader realises all three pages are easily linked together, to the same magazine. The masthead stands out the most for me on this page which is what I want the reader to feel too, this is because I want it to make a statement, and stick in the readers mind. Use of the colour black represents evil or could refer to the unknown. This links to the unknown of what the magazine will reveal, which puts emphasis on the main article which the reader will be dying to read. The font of the masthead links into the Indie/Rock theme of my magazine, as the masthead is outlined with black it catches the readers eye; seems loud and confident. The main sell line has been employed in the centre of the page in a solid red, referring to, danger, blood and love. The use of red contrasts against the black and white image, and other black text. It is placed in the centre of the page to reflect its importance considering the reader is drawn will be drawn to it. I have chosen to put the artists name in red as she is popular and will encourage people to purchase the magazine to therefore read her ultimate interview. The quote gives the reader a taster from the interview and will leave them in suspense, wanting them to read more. I have included certain music artists featured on the front cover which relate to my theme and will appeal to my audience; they too are in red to jump put to the reader. The text featured on the contents page links to the front cover, creating continuity. The two sections “FEATURES and NEWS” and page numbers allow the reader to find a specific page quickly. As it is laid out in a column format it enables to reader to see it clearly. Within in the double-page spread there is a clear heading overlapping the image, clearly stating the artist’s name. This is in red which links to the front cover and is clearly visible against the image. The article itself uses the colours red and black, the use of the colour red allows the questions in the interview to be separated from the answer (in black) which helps the reader understand the flow of the conversation.
The conventions used on the front cover page is, the masthead, main sell line, sell lines, header, footer, and bar code. The use of these conventions helps my magazine look professional and similar to others in certain ways for example, a main sell line which leaves the reader in suspense and relates to the image of the music artist on the page. This enables mine to be a competition to other magazines and appeal to the right audience. Not as many conventions are used on my contents page as it isn’t needed. Title, sections, page numbers and a website is included. This page is meant to be basic as it enables the reader to understand the page and find other pages quickly. Finally the conventions used in my double-page spread are the heading, pull-quote, and column format. This makes it clear to the reader that it is an interview, and the pull-quote is employed larger to attract the reader and make them want to read the whole interview, therefore purchase the magazine.
Tuesday, 10 January 2012
Diary Entry Twelve
This week i have completed my analysis of mise-en-scene. I have spoken about the images used and why i have used them. My main reason for using these particular images is that they fit in with the theme of the magazine. I mainly outlined the basic point of each image, and purpose of the clothing and facial expressions. Also how they work with each page, and what message they portray.
Diary Entry Eleven
I have now completed all three of my pages. This took quite a lot of time, but i found that once i started, it got easier. I enjoyed making these ages because i was so keen to visualise the outcome, but not everthing about it was easy, such as the font and images being a suitable size, enabling everything to fit on each page which i had previously planned. Out of the three pages i prefer the double page, this is because it is more in depth to a magazine, and interesting considering you can read an article. Also i think the article helps my double page seem more professional, and the image works well too. My least favourite page would be my contents page, this is because i found it difficult to find a particular layout which would work well for the reader to see both the image and text clearly. Also, fitting everything on the page became a struggle.
Wednesday, 4 January 2012
Mise en scene
This post shows the mise-en-scene used in my magazine. From the images i have used throughout my magazine, i have explained why i used specific aspects which link to mise-en-scene.
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